
Image Resize & Compression Tools

Images on the website that are larger in dimension and in file size than they need to be can slow down your website. It is therefore import to manage your website images. 

There are two useful resources you can use - an image resize tool and an image compression tool. 

Image Resize Tool

A really useful tool to resize your images is to use the Adobe Resize Image Tool. It is free and simple to use. Here is the link Adobe Creative Cloud Express.

Image File Compression Tool

A really useful tool to reduce (compress) the file size is to use Optimizilla. It is free and simple to use. Here is the link Optimizilla.

Video File Compression Tool

A really useful tool to reduce (compress) the file size of video is to use Handbrake. It is free and simple to use. Here is the link Handbrake.

Lottie Animation Files

Although not to be overdone, adding small animation images to your website can make the website more interesting. Sign up for and start to select, modify and insert Lottie animation images into your website.

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